Guano de Paris

Guano de Paris is a service that offers to collect urban pigeons poo in order to provide one of the best fertilizer in the world : the guano. Present in number in european cities, pigeons acquired something like a bad reputation. Past experiences proved that...


Libero is a cabin-labyrinth for children designed for ÉSÉ-édition sous étiquette. Plus... product design Libero se situe comme un support de l’imaginaire – un outil pour rêver en somme. La profusion des images -celle que nous connaissons aujourd’hui- tend à...


Tuilo is a due-collecting system for garden. These tiles are used to build & architecture gardens by offering ground bank renforcement & distribution hydrating solutions.     Plus... one off, product design Il s’agit d’une tuile architectonique...

Animali domesticki

Animali domesticki is a range of wood toys & interior furniture designed for ÉSÉ – édition sous étiquette, product editor. Bench can be delivered with a solar compagnon. Collected energy is used to full electronic devices in urban situations like parcs,...

La traction du quartier

La traction du quartier, project made after a workshop for EDF & Cité du design is an urban service based on a mobile energetic module. It transform muscular capacity of a donkey in usable mobile electric power. This energy can be used for amplifying  donkeys...