Human cities / challenging the city scale is the 10th exhibition of Saint-Etienne Biennale du design 2017.We were asked to make exhibition & signage concerning different places & experimentations deployed all around the city.
First part of the exhibition takes place at the « batiment de l’horloge », in a semi-outdoor area. We focused on scale factor to design this exhibition. Structures are made like roofs. Projects are displayed like tiles & building blocks of this human city.
thought as a spatialized visual data, the exhibition displays the differents experimentations following successive project scale themes from human, street, garden, public space, block,  neighbourhood, city, landscape, to virtual.
Human citizens office is the second part of the exhibition. It took place in a former printer shop at « republique du design » in downtown Saint-Etienne.
Designed to be cité du design international relationship department headquarter during the biennale, human citizens office allows them to give complement of information about the project.
The second space was used to display audiovisual contents for solo & public use.
It has also been used as conference & workshop room during the event.
The exhibition was completed by a reading cabinet where you could enrich your experience by consulting publications & photographic atlas made by IRD laboratory.

Human cities /

L’exposition n°10 de la biennale du design retrace les expérimentations construites ou documentées par les 12 partenaires de ce projet européen. Human Cities questionne les échelles de la ville par une approche concertée et collective du projet urbain. Une expérimentation à parcourir dans Saint-Etienne Une scénographie et une signalétique qui reposent sur le saut d’échelle et l’hypertextualisation des récits d’expérience. 3 sites d’exposition : Human citizens office , 8 rue de la république Bâtiment de l’horloge, site cité du design. galerie de l’hôtel de ville.